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FAQs: Mercury Laser Control
Laser control for lighting people.

Wondering how Mercury works and how it can work for you? Check out the frequently asked questions here and contact us if you have a more specific question.

Q: “Which projector is Mercury?”
A: Mercury isn’t a projector – it’s an integrated control system that goes into X-Laser projectors, allowing custom DMX/RDM/Art-Net/sACN control without a computer.

Q: “I'm a lighting designer who uses a lighting console to build my shows and show files. Does Mercury work with pro lighting consoles?”
A: Yes! Currently, we have fixture profiles built and ready for Avolites, grandMA, Onyx, Hog, Vista, ChamSys and more! Download them on our support page.

Q: “What kind of pattern manipulators are built into the Mercury control system?
A: Mercury allows for up to eight fully independent pattern builders per fixture. Mercury also functions with the powerful effect engines already built into professional lighting consoles, as a way to quickly create coordinated effects across large arrays of fixtures (lasers and conventional). The built-in modifiers inside Mercury include:
– Two stages of size, position and rotation control
– Dual wave modulators
– Dual effect systems
– Variable-geometry prism manipulation
– Color effects over the entire pattern or parts of the pattern
– Free-form mesh for zone correction
– Color, wave and effect controls at various positions in the sequence for a vast range of looks

Q: “How many DMX personalities/channels does Mercury include?
A: Depending on the mode, Mercury equipped systems can use as few as 28 channels or as many as 384.